Business Process


Our consultants and analysts work with you to understand your business requirements and arrive at workflows and processes that deliver a positive impact to your business. In our experience, we have seen organizations invest in technology solutions without an eye on optimal utlilization of such systems. This is where we come in to implement industry best- practices to ensure that you technology investments give you higher return on investment and that they are maintained well, to address changing needs of your business.

Our focus on business strategy as a means to achieve better synchronization with technology and systems ensures that you are placed well to address the expectations that business environments have from your business. Operational effectiveness helps resolve challenges that a business faces and also enables it to embrace newer technologies through a seamless transition from one platform or system to the other or even when an upgrade of the existing platforms and systems is required.

Talk to us to find out how we can implement industry-standard frameworks, systems strategies and processes for your business.




When you ask “What is an enterprise solution”, our answer begins with the one thing that separates consumer solutions from enterprise solutions - the scale as which enterprise solutions operate. Enterprise IT solutions can range from mobility solutions to enabling your salesforce to enterprise backup solutions and enterprise solutions on the cloud.

Our approach to building custom enterprise solutions revolves around one important tenet - Minimizing risk involved with enterprise management software solutions. Whether it is project management solutions, spend management solutions, workforce management solutions or even content management solutions, we ensure that your enterprise is geared to leverage technology as it should and is also safe from a cybersecurity point of view.

Talk to us to find out how we can implement enterprise solutions for your business to maintain business continuity and growth.




As the world and businesses become more connected than ever, technology is playing a major role in the growth of global and local organizations. There are hundreds of solutions to choose from, to enable your organization through technology. The question is, which technology platform or service should you opt for and invest in.

For instance, there are more than 25,000 Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) companies that cater to the B2B sector alone. Out of these, over 1,000 SaaS products are focused only on ERPs! So, which one should you go for?

Our technology consultants make the decision-making easier for you by understanding your immediate and future technology requirements. We work with you to chart a future roadmap for your business growth and then map the technology requirements to these milestones. Choosing one amongst a thousand solutions is akin to finding a needle in a haystack – we help you find that needle.

Talk to us to find out how we can make you take better informed decisions on your technology investments.


Infrastructure and
Cloud Services


“Which cloud infrastructure is the best suited for our business in this industry?” That’s a question that has reverberated across boardrooms, technology strategy meetings, product planning reviews and many such places. When every cloud platform states that they are the best and provide cutting-edge infrastructure, who should you go with?

We help you answer these questions on the basis of more questions that are related to your industry, business goals, existing infrastructure, security requirements and the platform ecosystem that your organization is running on. Our infrastructure and cloud services practice brings some of the sharpest cloud technology individuals to help your organization scale up on-demand. Contrary to popular belief that cloud infrastructure is required only for high-intensity applications, your choice of a cloud platforms impacts even something as simple as your enterprise email infrastructure.

Our cloud migration services ensure that your legacy platforms and systems are migrated to modern cloud platforms without and disruption in services and that your people get access to optimized platforms to make those critical business decisions easily. Imagine an enterprise infrastructure that is not dependent on presence of servers in a particular geography, is entirely scalable and comes at a lower cost of operations than earlier.

Talk to us to find out how we can help you migrate to the cloud and maintain it for the growth of your business.


Agile and Jira


The growth phase of an organization is also the one where its technology foundations, frameworks and processes undergo a stress test. The agile methodology to shipping code and solutions has turned out to be a boon for businesses. Quick turnaround times and faster go-to-market times also introduce fallacies during the process.

How can your organization ensure that agile-driven growth is not hindered by absence of clear standards and code review processes? This is where our agile and Jira consulting comes in. We work with you to define your Agile processes and integrated them with Jira to ensure traceability of code development, UAT, release and maintenance. The one thing that you don’t want in your product or service is fumbling to find answers to questions when a release is not in-line with expectations.

We make use of systems and frameworks to devise your Agile and Jira processes and leverage industry-best practices to ensure that you organization’s growth is on track to success.

Talk to us to find out how we can help you build your organization’s growth engine through Agile and Jira consulting.
