What we do

At Clinch, we believe in the power of digital innovation. We know that new technologies can help businesses innovate faster, reduce costs and increase productivity.

We are a digital consultancy firm that provides a full range of services for companies looking to adopt cutting-edge technology solutions to achieve their business goals. Our team of experts has extensive experience working with businesses across major industries, including manufacturing, retail and financial services. We have worked with some of the world’s leading brands on projects ranging from applying design thinking principles to risk mitigation.

Our team is made up of talented designers, developers, strategists and analysts who bring together years of experience in the fields of digital design and development. We’re passionate about helping you develop your ideas into successful products that can be scaled into global markets.

We engage with you through our 5-step process.



We consider discovery as the most important stage for any project. The primary objective for us in this stage is to align business goals and relevant KPIs to measure the success.

Result: User journeys and requirements analysis



Building brands is in our DNA and we specialize in leveraging the visual elements to enhance the brand experience to a whole new experience. We empower our clients by helping them rise above brand clutter and carve out their own unique brand identity.

Result: Intuitive UI/UX with apt underlying architecture



Every business has a different need for technology and we understand that. We work with you on leading edge technologies best suited for your business through our team of seasoned professionals with proven track records have continuously delighted our customers.

Result: MVP and product in testing environment


Monitoring and Control

Deploying a solution is just the half battle won the solution needs air to breathe life into it and that’s the air that we provide. With change management in effect, we assist in the process impact after deployment, identify the risks and and also create a mitigation plan.



We take care of your infrastructure needs. So, whether you want to migrate your legacy applications to cloud or want to migrate from one cloud platform to another, we take pride in our expertise in accomplishing such complex data manoeuvres.

Result: Live product, available to anyone in the world, built on layers of security


Our Clients